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Mobile Application

  • The mobile application programming service is one of the important services at the moment, due to the proliferation of smartphones and devices. Mobile apps have become an essential part of our daily lives, as we use them in social media, e-commerce, learning, entertainment, and other fields.
  • Mobile APS services vary according to the customer’s needs. There are APS for companies and organizations, and there are general APS services for individuals. Prices for services also vary depending on the complexity and size of the application.
Mobile Application

In general, Inception's mobile application programming services include the following:

1. Analysis and design

At this stage, the client’s needs and the goals he seeks to achieve through the application are studied.

2. Development

At this stage, the application is programmed using one of the programming languages specialized in programming mobile applications.

3. Testing

At this stage, the application is tested for safety and efficiency.

4. Publishing

At this point, the app is published to app stores, such as the Google Play Store and the App Store.

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